Demonstrate inequality in affordable housing construction in Baltimore by assessing the difference in access to resources between recent market rate housing and affordable housing.
An interactive web map with clickable features, toggle-able layers, query and filter tools, A script to preprocessing housing data and neighborhood statistics feature services using arcpy, Report document, Maps of access/utility comparisons between affordable and market rate housing based on: public transit, emergency services, food desert, median house sale price, work & retail, and a map of an ideal affordable site selection analysis.
Research, Web GIS (work with ArcGIS Online Feature Services), Web Map Development with ArcGIS Javascript API and HTML, Cartography, spatial data preprocessing with arcpy Python library, Site suitability analysis, Machine Learning (Forest-based Classification algorithm), Statistical analysis (accuracy assessment of classification), ArcGIS Pro, GIS.
A multipart project that looks at affordable housing in Baltimore City from many different angles. A wide variety of variables were used to index suitability for new affordable housing construction. This exercise is an attempt to contrast current environmental conditions of affordable housing versus the relative advantages of market rate housing projects. Maps documents show the difference in access/advantages for each specific variable informing the index, and an interactive web map illustrates the racial and class division along housing lines.
Interactive Web Map (codpen)
Data preprocessing with arcpy (github)
Baltimore City Affordable Housing Analysis Final Report (pdf)
Ideal Site Selection Maps (pdf)
Proximity to Work and Retail Map (pdf)
Median House Sale Price Map (pdf)
Public Transit Access Map (pdf)
Food Deserts Map (pdf)
Proximity to Hospitals Map (pdf)
Proximity to Fire Stations Map (pdf)